Have you or your child been sexually harassed or assaulted at McDonald’s, a McDonald’s franchisee or another fast food chain?
Sexual harassment in the fast food industry.
It happens.
We believe you. Sexual harassment in the fast food industry is unacceptable. There are things you can do to make it stop - start by calling Nelson Schaffer PLLC. We have clients who are or have been in your shoes. We understand. And we can help.
Report it.
We must report it to get their attention. If your child has been sexually harassed or assaulted - or if you have been - it is important to get legal help to figure out the best options for you and your family. We can help. We have been here before and we know it is one of the most difficult things you will go through. And we can help.
Change it.
Fast food restaurants cannot hire children and then fail to protect them from predators, from sexual harassers, or other dangerous people or things. The only way to change it is to fight it. That is what we do.