Sexual Harassment in Fast Food chains is Illegal

Sexual Harassment in fast food restaurants often involves minors. It is very serious and we are here to listen, and to help you.

Sexual harassment and sexual assault in fast food restaurants is more common in the workplace than people once thought. Fast food employees, many of whom are minors or young adults, deserve a safe and respectful workplace. Unfortunately, the fast-paced hierarchical nature of jobs such as those at McDonald’s, Subway, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and other fast food jobs often allow harassment to go unchecked. Young employees are often afraid to say anything or wonder whether something is their fault. If you are being sexually harassed, it is not your fault. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination, it is a civil rights violation, and it is illegal. Sexual harassment ranges from offensive verbal comments, to physical touching, or even assault.

Minnesota state and federal laws protect employees against sexual harassment and also from retaliation if an employee reports sexual harassment. Many people who experience harassment of any kind may feel afraid, angry, or scared. At Nelson Schaffer, we are compassionate and we will listen to you. We will also fight for you if your rights have been violated. If you have been sexually harassed or you have witnessed sexual harassment, contact us.

Nelson Schaffer has represented many employees struggling with sexual harassment at fast food restaurants, including reaching settlements over $1,000,000 without ever filing a complaint or going public. Sexual harassment can take many forms, including:

  • Offers of promotion or favorable treatment for sex or sexual favors

  • Offensive joking, comments, emails or other unwelcome communication

  • Unwanted sexual advances or unwanted touching

  • Retaliation or harassment based on the termination of a sexual relationship

  • Retaliation or wrongful termination for making a report or voicing a concern of sexual harassment or sexual assault

    If you have suffered sexual harassment at a fast food restaurant - or outside of work but connected to work - you might have a claim. Call our office and we will help you navigate the situation. We will listen and help you figure out what to do next. You can also schedule a free consultation by clicking the “consultation” button here.

Grooming and Abuse of Power

Sexual harassment can also involve grooming behaviors, where a supervisor or manager uses their position of power to build trust and manipulate a young employee into a seemingly consensual relationship. This is particularly concerning in the fast-food industry where many employees are minors. Even if a minor appears to consent, a relationship with a supervisor is inherently imbalanced and abusive due to the power differential. This type of abuse can have lasting emotional and psychological consequences. If you or someone you know is experiencing this, it’s crucial to seek help and remember that it is never the victim’s fault.